Focused on writing and the business of writing
This week has been crazy with back to school activities for my teenage sons, but I have continued to charge on! I sent out my first newsletter in a while, restructured to include tidbits about my work in progress (called The Archive), including interesting articles, journal entries, potions and more that our story’s librarian has discovered, as well as what’s been happening in my world as an author. Sign up for my newsletter if you’d like to get these early peeks into the world of the Cassia School and Guild for Elemental Magicae at Dublin!
Last Friday, I was able to research publishing houses, their editors, and which agents work with them at Publishers Marketplace. If you’re getting close to having your manuscript ready, I would encourage you to check it out.
I also, of course, have been trying to reach out to more people and be engaged across multiple social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, and my website.
The writing has to continue, though, or those things aren’t so useful! I was able to restructure some of my chapters, sent several chapters off to a beta reader, and have received some initial, encouraging feedback. It’s already being incorporated, and I am so thankful to Jennifer for her assistance! My third draft (of possibly five or six) is about 2/3 done.
Separately, I learned that Grifty Shades If Fey, should be coming out in late October. It’s a PG-13 reminder that the fair folk weren’t always so fair!
I think the biggest thing about blogging is to blog about something you care about and be consistent! You should blog no less than once a month but not so often people don’t want to come back. Best of luck in your journey!