This page is to let you know how to send me a scroll and where else to find me…

Contact me via one of the brownies below. (Click on either image.)

(The good brownie is grumpy, but is a hard working soul and will get your mail to me in a magical instant. His cousin, on the other hand, knows my location but is more mischievous and may run away with your scroll. You must be the one to make the choice, though!) Even if your scroll shows up covered in mud and moss, I promise to contact you back. Why might you want to send me a scroll?

  • For author to author discussion
  • For questions about Young Living Essential Oils
  • For questions about any of my work
  • To provide additional links for YA Fantasy authors you would like to see posted on my pages
  • To provide additional links for news in the writing or fantasy world
  • Just to say Hi
 Remember Brown delivers! 

Good Brownie

Good Brownie

Evil Brownie

The Good Brownie image was beautifully designed by and posted here with permission of Cornacchia. Click here to see more of her fairy tale work.

The Evil Brownie image is designed by Carolina Eade and posted her with her permission (Done originally for Warsong Chronicles. (c) Feytouched studios.) Click here to see more of her magical artwork.

The Brownies are unfamiliar with the land of Google Chrome (which requires a special app  to send via brownie). If you are browsing with Chrome, you can familiarize these brownies with your browser then wave your wand and install navigator.registerProtocolHandler()  Click here to find the program and detailed instructions on how to install it. If you do not want to install the program, you can also use a special scroll located here to contact me.


For thoughts on writing, or my work in progress (WIP), look for #Fedonta, #WritingTips, #amwriting, #amediting, and sometimes on #1linewednesday (where authors share a snippet of their current WIP).


I have boards with pins about the land of Fedonta, the clothing and jewelry, the food, the magical being and creatures, the architecture, as well as some crafts and quizzes. Additionally, there are pins for both the writer and the reader (especially fandoms) in a broader sense.


This is a place to find some of the books I have used to build the world in my novel, some I have read or that my sons have read and loved.


This is where I will build a page to share statuses and posts that inspire me both as a writer and as a fantasy fan.

My favorites in DeviantArt

DeviantArt is an online art community for artists and art lovers to interact in a variety of ways, ranging from the submission of art to conversations on a number of topics. In its purest form, DeviantArt is a means for expressing yourself in a variety of ways.” I find some wonderful fantasy artwork there.