apothecaryNeed ingredients for a recipe,  natural wellness blend, or a sacred brew? Get them at the apothecary! Here you can find both the ingredients and information on how to use them! These items were gifted by the Creator to help you find inner balance and health.

Plant essences, spices, and herbs

  • High quality Young Living Essential Oils are available here
    • Plants are grown in native environments
    • Seedlings hand selected and planted by hand
    • No pesticides
    • No herbicides
    • Hand weeded
    • Nothing but the essential oil itself is in the bottle
    • 100% Therapeutic grade
    • Cold pressed or steam distilled
    • No solvents are used in the distilling process
    • Philanthropic company
    • Local farmers are paid well and the community respected
  • Herbs and Oils ~ Practical, Magical, and Aromatherapy Uses


  • Magical Poperties: “In Panama, the Yaviza people mix the resin with honey and give it to newborns to impart knowledge and ward off hexes.” (Wikipedia)
  • Personally, I use copaiba to create a relaxing environment.


  • “Spiritual Properties: Enlightenment, Inspiration, Introspection
  • Magical Properties: Luck, Protection, Spirituality
  • Essential Oil of Frankincense operates in the auric field and adapts to one’s spiritual state of being. It serves as a protector, and will not let one go where they are not ready to go. Frankincense Essential Oil holds some of the wisdom of ages and of the universe. It will remove all of the malevolent energies attached to a person, allowing one to open to enlightenment and inspire one to connect with an elevating spiritual self. Frankincense Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances
  • Frankincense Essential Oil aligns with the spiritual; a ‘calling’ perfume. It is an aroma to call upon the divine orders, and to send love and prayers. It is also used for its protective elements. Essential Oil of Frankincense assists in keeping the heart pure and full of understanding.
  • Frankincense Essential Oil releases powerful vibrations that drives out all evil and negativity. Place 3-5 drops in an aroma lamp to aid meditations and visions. Add 5-8 drops to a sachet for luck.
  • The ancient Egyptians used Frankincense at sunrise to honor Ra. It is still used in Churches.”
  • (Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils)
  • Personally, I use Frankincense with a carrier oil to clear my skin and welcome a sense of the Sacred. It calms my soul and grounds me to know I shared this gift with the Child.


  • “Spiritual Properties: Restorative, Calming
  • Magical Properties: Happiness, Love, Peace, Protection, Purification
  • Lavender Essential Oil is caring and nurturing. It brings the warmth of protective love from Mother Earth. Lavender Essential Oil lifts the weight of depression and sadness from the spirit, bringing an emotional balance to the psyche. It is one of the Angelic Fragrances.
  • Lavender Essential Oil awakens harmony. It’s a vibration that brings the angels of companion closer when we are in need of comfort, companionship, and recognition that help is always available to us, and that we are never alone.
  • Lavender Essential Oil is a classic and has been used for centuries in healing mixtures, love spells, and purification.
  • Feminine Energies: Lavender Essential Oil has a steadying influence on the psyche. It is calming, yet intuitive, like a wise woman. Indecisiveness and emotional conflict are washed away.”
  • (Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils)
  • Personally, I have found that the use of lavender leads to pleasant sleep.


  • “Spiritual Properties: Awareness, Clarity, Rejuvenation
  • Magical Properties: Purification.
  • Lemon Essential Oil acts as a spiritual cleanser enabling the user to focus and center. It allows the psyche to attract positivity. It opens one to the fruitfulness of life.
  • Lemon Essential Oil is one of the Angelic Fragrances.
  • Lemon Essential Oil is vitalizing and purifying to the body, mind, and soul. It allows directness and clarity in prayer. Angels often use this vibration to send feelings of happiness and calmness to us, to remind us to use the fertility and richness of the planet correctly.
  • Lemon Essential Oil is a cleansing scent that represents the earth, the moon, and water. Mix 6-8 drops to 1 cup water. Use this mixture to cleanse amulets, crystals, jewelry, stones, and any other objects you wish to purify. This wash ensures that all negativity is cleansed from the object. Using 2-3 drops in an Oil Burner will clean negativity from a room.”
  • (Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils)


  • “Spiritual Properties: Concentration, Regeneration, Vibrancy
  • Magical Properties: Healing, Love, Purification
  • Spiritually, Peppermint Essential Oil raises the spirit to fuller understanding and appreciation of the mysteries that will eventually fully unfold to us. It stimulates and soothes, uplifts and calms.
  • Those lethargic with thoughts that all is lost will be energized, and come back into touch with their inner selves. Peppermint Essential Oil can also stimulate the dream time, using this time of physical stillness to bring information and understanding.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil increases awareness, perception, and sensitivity, bringing an alertness even in the dream state, so we can remember and take in the wisdom of other worlds. It is one of the Angelic Fragrances.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil is strong and clearing, and can be used when barriers have been erected and all help has been refused. It is used to clear a pathway.
  • Magically, Peppermint Essential Oil has long been used in healing and purification work. Its presence raises the vibrations of an area. When smelled, it compels one toward sleep. Use Peppermint Essential Oil in Dream Sachets placed underneath your pillow.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil can be used in the bath (8 to 10 drops), or worn as a body perfume to excite love. It can also be used for cleaning (15 to 20 drops to 1 quart of water). Use Peppermint Essential Oil to clean floors, furniture, and walls to cleanse them of negativity.”
  • (Spiritual and Magical Properties of Essential Oils)
  • Personally, I use peppermint to clear my mind and heighten my senses. I also use it to relieve tension and relax muscles

Information about the following oils/herbs are available as Sunday Scribe Posts in Musings: