This is a planned series of young adult (YA) fantasy novels, the first of which will be The Blade of Ages, in which a young teen turned magical being learns that finding an ancient sword is key to protecting both the magical, dream realm and the waking one from great evil. (Read snippets of this book here.)
There is a great shadow which is spreading between waking and dreaming realms, like a sickness on the people who inhabit them. It will be up to those who believe in the magic of the Source to find the adventurers and the artifacts to turn the tides. If the magicae fail, both the waking and the dream realms will fall into darkness.
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Very exciting, can’t wait to read and to share with my family and friends.
I’m glad you like it!
Very cool, it gave me chills of what to come. Looking forward reading it in its entirety.
I’m thrilled that you like what you see!
Best wishes on your adventures in writing and creating the world you envision.
Many thanks, dear friend!
Pingback:Author Interview: AJ Benson | fantasyfactionblog
This adventure is off to an auspicious start! Can’t wait to fall asleep tonight and learn more about Fedonta!