- Brainstorm.
- Rough outline.
- Write draft one. Expected to be bad. This is part of the process!
- Edit for content ( potholes, missing storyline).
- Edit for consistency (blonde versus brunette, dark versus torch-lit).
- Edit for transitions and lead sentences.
- Proof for grammar.
- Finalize content.
- Create cover (Canva.com): 6″ x 9″ paperback is easiest to work with, and don’t forget an e-book cover.
- Check for prices of similar books and decide on your price point.
- Create a Draft2Digital account.
- Fill out your author information.
- Upload your book.
- Upload your cover.
- Fill a book information.
- Proof all three formats (on computer, iPhone, and iPad).
- Approve PDF, mobi, and ePub versions.
- Push to all e-book sites available.
- Download all three finished versions so that you have copies.
- Create accounts for CreateSpace, Amazon, KDP, and SmashWords (especially if you want Books A Million).
- Get a paperback proof done. Read the entire thing.
- Make any edits in Draft 2 Digital, reapprove formats, and upload all of the new versions appropriately.
- It will take minutes to about a week to push out everywhere.
- Advertise! You can make great pictures with the Typorama app.